UFC 3-535-01
17 November 2005
conditions prevent a full-length installation, the system may be shortened to not less
than 720 meters (2,400 feet). There is a generally accepted convention for locating
lights along the longitudinal axis of approach light systems for this standard. The
longitudinal axis is divided into 30 meter (100 foot) stations with station 0+00 located at
the threshold and higher station numbers located further into the approach. Thus, a light
at station 1+34 would be located 40.3 meters (134 feet) into the approach from the
threshold. All lights in the system are aimed toward the approach. Required locations
and configurations of the individual system elements are:
Pre-threshold Bar
The pre-threshold bar consists of two barrettes in aviation red lights placed
symmetrically about the system centerline at station 1+00. Each barrette consists of five
lights on 1 meter (3.5 feet) centers, with the innermost lights located not less than 22.5
meters (75 feet) nor more than 24 meters (80 feet) from the system centerline.
Terminating Bar
The terminating bar consists of two barrettes in aviation red lights located symmetrically
about and perpendicular to the system centerline at station 2+00. Each barrette consists
of three lights on 1.5 meter (5 foot) centers, with the outermost lights located 7.5 meters
(25 feet) from the system centerline.