Provide adequate flexibility (by use of change in pipe direction, expansion
loops, or expansion joints) in all steam or hot liquid piping. Perform formal piping
flexibility and hanger support calculations to make certain that pipes will be
adequately and properly supported, that pipe stresses will not exceed limitations
permitted by ANSI/ASME B31.1, and that piping reactions and movements at equipment
piping connection or piping anchors will not be excessive. For piping hanger and
flexibility calculations, refer to publications such as Piping Handbook, Sabin Crocker
or Piping Design and Engineering, ITT Grinnell, Inc. Providence, RI. Computer programs
for analyzing piping flexibility (stress, forces, and moments) such as ADLPIPE can also
be used.
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning. Refer to MIL-HDBK-1003/6 and
NAVFAC DM-3.03, Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Dehumidifying Systems for
boiler plant requirements.
pump and equipment rooms, shops, warehouses, and administration areas if required for
comfort or for freeze protection. Heat from boiler and equipment operation shall not be
taken as a credit.
Ventilating. Provide adequate forced ventilation for the boiler room and the
turbine room by use of roof-mounted exhauster fans. Central control rooms and offices
should utilize air handling units with duct systems for air distribution. Other areas
to be ventilated include shops, tunnels, enclosed coal galleries, toilets and washrooms,
locker rooms, lunch rooms, and other areas where personnel are expected to operate or
maintain equipment. Exhaust air from areas with suspended particulate shall be cleaned
sufficiently to satisfy environmental regulations.
Air Conditioning. Use air tempering (heating and cooling) for central control
rooms and for areas such as offices where air conditioning for comfort is justified.
Include humidification where necessary for comfort. In dry climate regions,
humidification of the boiler and turbine rooms may also be necessary for personnel
Provide turbine room crane for erection and maintenance of turbine
Hoists. Provide hoists and supports for maintenance on water intakes, pumps,
compressors, fans, and other heavy equipment. Provide a beam