Discharges cannot contain pollutants which create a fire or explosion
b) Discharges cannot cause corrosive structural damage to the POTW.
In no
event can the discharge have a pH less than 5.0, unless the POTW is specifically
designed for such discharges.
c) Discharges cannot contain solid or viscous pollutants in amounts which
will cause obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the operation of
the POTW.
d) Discharges cannot be of such volume or pollutant strength as to
interfere with the operation of the POTW.
e) Discharges may not contain heat in amounts which will inhibit biological
activity in the POTW resulting in interference with the proper operation of the POTW.
In no event can the discharge exceed 40 C (104 F), unless specifically approved by the
If the power plant will be discharging to a POTW, then coordination with the
POTW will be required to ensure that the facility has the capacity to accept the
discharge and to determine the industrial wastewater treatment charges.
Oil Spill Regulations. Discharges of oil into any stream, river, or lake are
prohibited by the Clean Water Act if the discharge is considered harmful. Oil
discharges are considered harmful to the public health or welfare if they meet either of
the following criteria.
Cause a violation of applicable water quality standards.
b) Cause a film, sheen upon, or discoloration of the surface of the water
or adjoining shorelines, or cause a sludge or emulsion to be deposited beneath the
surface of the water or upon adjoining shorelines.
To minimize the environmental effects of oil spills, a Spill Prevention,
Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is required if the project would have an
aggregate above ground storage capacity of oil which exceeds 1,320 gallons, a single
above ground container larger than 660 gallons, or an aggregate underground storage of
oil which exceeds 42,000 gallons and which has discharged, or could reasonably be
expected to discharge oil in harmful quantities into nearby lakes or streams.
Appropriate containment and diversionary structures or equipment to prevent
discharged oil from reaching a navigable watercourse should be provided. One of the
following systems or its equivalent should be used as a minimum.