UFC 3-560-01
6 December 2006
Including change 1, 7 December 2006
warranted. Prior to agencies/activities purchasing AEDs, effective written programs
must be established. These programs shall, at a minimum, address:
Coordination with private sector and/or DOD medical facilities, fire
departments, emergency responders.
Placement and availability of properly trained employees.
Equipment maintenance.
Legal issues.
Note: For the Air Force, refer to AFI 32-1064 for requirements on training and AEDs,
including certification requirements.
be in constant voice contact with all other members involved in that procedure. The
ability of work crews to communicate during circuit isolation, maintenance,
troubleshooting and restoration is absolutely essential. Accordingly, each employee
shall be provided with a personal communication device (radio or cellular phone) and
will be assigned a unique caller identification, in order to effectively communicate with
other members of the work crew, work leader and/or supervisor.