UFC 3-560-01
6 December 2006
Including change 1, 7 December 2006
Inclusion of the correct switching and equipment operations sequence.
Provisions are included to discharge and ground capacitors and other
sources of stored electrical energy that might endanger personnel.
Provisions are included to discharge or block the release of stored non-
electric energy (such as springs) in any device that could cause electric
circuits to re-energize.
Selection of a qualified worker who is authorized to receive the approved
Safe Clearance and then perform the required switching and operations.
The qualified worker must have previously been approved in writing as
one authorized to receive a Safe Clearance.
Arrangements have been made for any necessary interruption of service,
such as notifying users and notifying the utility company supplying power
to the facility. Notifications to the utility company must be given to the
person designated by the utility company to receive such information. In
the event this individual cannot be reached, the nearest system operating
or load dispatching office of the company must be informed.
Safe Clearance Form Description. Detailed information follows section by
section, for completing the Safe Clearance form.
6-1.6.1 Record Number. A consecutive number must be assigned from records
maintained in the appropriate (locally designated) office.
6-1.6.2 Other Clearance Numbers. When feasible, only one safe clearance should
be issued. If more than one safe clearance will be issued, or more than one crew
assigned to the work, one authorized individual-in-charge must be responsible for all the
crews and supervise the receipt of all safe clearances and the removal of lockouts and
tagouts. Additionally, if more than one safe clearance is to be issued on the same line
or equipment, show the serial numbers of the other clearances in the upper right-hand
6-1.6.3 Issued By, Time, and Date. Provide the name and signature of the person
issuing the Safe Clearance and time and date of issuance. This person is often the
electrical supervisor.
6-1.6.4 Issued To. Fill in the name of the person receiving the Safe Clearance. Safe
Clearances must be issued only to workers authorized to receive them. A list of all such
workers must be kept in the office that contains Safe Clearance records. The worker
receiving a Safe Clearance is responsible for checking all lockouts and tagouts,
especially being assured that all points of possible feed, including stored-energy
devices, are open, locked out, and provided with correct tagouts.