UFC 3-560-01
6 December 2006
Including change 1, 7 December 2006
10-5.2.2 Climbers, pole straps, and other leather items that have any of the following
defects must not be used until repaired:
Cracked, dry, or rotten leather.
Leather which is worn thin.
Cuts or worn places which are of sufficient depth to weaken the leather.
Broken stitches or loose rivets at buckles, D-rings, or snaps.
Snaps which have weak springs behind the tongue or loose rivets which
hold the tongue.
Loose tongues in buckles.
Buckles, D-rings, or snaps that show considerable wear or which have
been cracked or bent.
10-5.2.3 Leather equipment in regular use must be cleaned and dressed at least every
three months, and more frequently when the equipment is wet from rain or perspiration,
or is soiled with dirt or mud. Leather equipment not in regular use must be cleaned and
dressed at least every six months.
10- Wipe off all surface dirt and mud with a sponge dampened (not wet) with
water. Never use gasoline or other cleaning fluids, as they tend to dry out and harden
the leather.
10- Wash leather with a clean sponge in clear lukewarm water and a neutral
soap (free from alkali), preferably Saddle soap. Thoroughly wash the entire length of
the leather and work the lather well into all parts. Place in a cool area to dry.
10- Leather must be dressed with oil after each cleaning. Use a small quantity
(about 20 milliliters (4 teaspoons)) of pure neatsfoot oil per set of equipment and apply it
gradually with the hands, using long light strokes while the leather is still damp from
washing. Leave in a cool place to dry for about 24 hours, and then rub the leather
vigorously with a soft cloth to remove all excess oil.
10- When safety harnesses/belts and straps are not in use, they must be stored
in designated compartments on the service truck or other suitable location to protect
them from damage. When stored, climbers must be wrapped in pairs and fastened with
their straps.
10-5.2.4 Keep climbers, straps, and pads in good conditions at all times. Inspect
climbers before each use to detect nicked or dulled cutting edges on the gaff. Check
them as soon as possible after striking them against hard objects such as pole