UFC 3-560-01
6 December 2006
Including change 1, 7 December 2006
hardware or nails. The worker must inspect climbers in regular use at least weekly. If
any of the following conditions are found, repair or replace the climbers before using:
Loose gaff.
Nicks and depressions in the gaff.
Ridge of gaff not in alignment.
Dull gaffs.
Broken or distorted gaff points.
Broken, loose leg or foot strap loop.
Excessively worn, cracked, or torn straps and pads.
Enlarged buckle holes in the straps.
Broken or damaged strap buckles.
Fractured or cracked leg irons and stirrups.
Excessively worn stirrups.
Fractured leg iron sleeves.
Broken or loose rivets or screws on sleeves and straps.
Defective strap rings.
Broken or damaged loop clip-on straps.
Gaff guards not in good condition.
Improper length of gaffs.
10-5.2.5 Gaffs must be at least 1-1/4 in (32 mm) long, measured from the point of the
gaff to the point of contact with the stirrup on the under side.
10-5.2.6 Sharpen climbers using a gaff-shaping bit as follows:
10- Place the climber between wood in a vise with the leg iron horizontal and the
gaff on the topside.