UFC 3-560-01
6 December 2006
Including change 1, 7 December 2006
10-6.2.3 Use climbers carefully on the pole to avoid injury to another worker on the
10-6.2.4 Be careful to avoid weather cracks, checks, knots, shakes, rots, and hard
places, which might cause gaffs to cut out. Remove any tacks or nails which may
impede safe climbing.
Concrete and Steel Pole and Tower Climbing Precautions.
10-6.3.1 Always make sure that gloves and shoe soles are in good condition and free
from grease or other lubricants. Many falls are caused by slick work gloves or slick
shoes. Rough cord sole shoe or boots are recommended. Be particularly careful in wet
or icy weather conditions.
10-6.3.2 Carefully wear and regularly inspect the safety harness since steel and
concrete surfaces can easily damage or cut the harness.
Working on Poles. Never change the amount of strain on a pole by adding
or removing wires until you are sure that the pole can stand the altered strain. If in
doubt, consult your authorized individual in charge.
Safety Straps. Wear safety straps at all times when handling wires or
apparatus while on a pole or structure. The following precautions must be taken:
10-6.5.1 Be careful in attaching snaps to D-rings. Visually ensure that the snap keeper
is fully closed in the correct ring before any weight is applied to the safety strap.
10-6.5.2 Always be sure that safety straps are connected and not twisted while in use.
10-6.5.3 Never depend on a crossarm or crossarm pins and braces for support.
10-6.5.4 Never attach safety straps above the crossarm in the top gain or around
insulator pins, crossarm braces, transformer hangers, pole steps, or guy wires. If there
is no crossarm in the top gain, the strap must not be placed closer than 2 ft (0.6 m) to
the top of the pole. In this case take precautions to assure that the strap does not slip
off. Ideally the strap must be below the top pole attachment, except where that
attachment is above eye level.
10-6.5.5 Never fasten both safety harness snaps in the same D-ring in order to reach
out farther on the pole. An extension safety strap must be used or the safety harness
let out so that work can be performed with the safety harness snaps fastened one in
each D-ring.
10-6.5.6 Do not attach metal hooks or other metal devices to body harnesses. Metal
chains and keepers must not be used. Instead, use leather straps or rawhide thongs