UFC 3-560-01
6 December 2006
Including change 1, 7 December 2006
10-8.3.2 Install ground wires clear of all metallic line equipment (except that which is
normally grounded), hardware, and street lighting fixtures.
10-8.3.3 Install ground wires on distribution wood poles with protective molding for the
entire working length of the pole to protect them from damage. The entire working
length of the pole is the distance from the point where ground wire terminates near the
top of the pole to 5 ft (1.5 m) below the lowest crossarm or bracket, and from the ground
line to 8 ft (2.5 m) above the ground line.
10-8.3.4 Never cut an overhead ground wire or neutral wires without the specific
approval of the authorized individual-in-charge. Always avoid opening a joint in such a
wire without first bridging the joint with wire of equal or larger size.
Handling and Stringing. ANSI/IEEE 524 provide general recommendations
on the methods, equipment, and tools used for the stringing of overhead line conductors
and ground wires. Safety precautions include:
10-8.4.1 Reels. Use adequate braking to stop all payout reels. Do not touch or
attempt to hand stop a revolving reel.
10-8.4.2 Conductors. Securely fasten the inside end of the coil wire to the reel to
prevent the wire from getting loose when the wire has been extended out. If the inside
end of the coil cannot be secured, a tail rope must be fastened securely to the wire
before the end is reached to prevent its getting loose.
10-8.4.3 Grounding. Bond and ground all stringing equipment, such as reel stands,
trailers, pullers, or tensioners.
Primary Line Installation. String the lines to clear the ground by an amount
not less than that specified in the NESC. These minimums depend upon whether the
line is above a street (consider its traffic classification), above a pedestrian way, or over
or near other structures. Wire and guys that are being strung must be kept clear of any
possible interference with public traffic of any type. Where it is necessary to block traffic
temporarily while wires and guys are being installed, one or more members of the crew
must be assigned to direct traffic.
10-8.5.1 Stringing Wire. Stringing by activity personnel must normally be done by the
tension method, since this keeps the conductor clear of energized conductors and clear
of obstacles that might cause surface damage to the wire. Slack stringing may be
appropriate for new short line extensions. Sag the lines to meet the requirements of the
10- Take care not to put kinks into any part of the line when stringing wires.
Kinks reduce the strength of the wire and may result in fallen wires later.