UFC 3-560-01
6 December 2006
Including change 1, 7 December 2006
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)--A method for studying a job in order to identify hazards or
potential hazards associated with each step or task involved. Additionally, it is used to
develop controls or solutions to eliminate or mitigate those hazards identified. Also,
referred to as a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA).
Limited Approach Boundary--A shock protection boundary to be crossed by only
qualified persons (at a distance from a live part) which is not to be crossed by
unqualified persons unless escorted by a qualified person.
Listed--Applies to equipment or materials included in a list published by an
organization acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. The organization
periodically inspects production and certifies that the items meet appropriate standards
or tests as suitable for a specific use.
Live (Energized or exposed)--"Hot" electrically connected to a source of potential
difference or electrically charged to have a potential significantly different from the earth
in the vicinity. The terms "live" or "hot" are sometimes used in place of the term "current
carrying" where the intent is clear to avoid repetition of the longer term.
Live Front--With live parts exposed to a person on the operating side of the
Live-Line (Hotline) Work--Maintenance of energized high voltage electrical
conductors or equipment using approved hotline tools and rubber protective goods.
Does not include routine operations such as opening and closing hook switches and
fuse cutouts or installation of hotline clamps; does not include working in manholes on
dead circuits.
Live Parts--Energized conductive components.
Low Voltage System--An electrical system having a maximum root-mean-square
(rms) voltage of less than 1,000 V. For the purposes of this UFC, any voltage above
600 volts is referred to as "high voltage."
Mishap--An unplanned or unsought event or series of events that results in death,
injury, or occupational illness or damage to or loss of equipment or property.
Medium Voltage System--An electrical system having a maximum rms ac voltage of
1,000 to 72,500 volts. For the purposes of this UFC, any voltage above 600 volts is
referred to as "high voltage."
Prohibited Approach Boundary--A shock protection boundary to be crossed by only
qualified persons (at a distance from a live part) which, when crossed by a body part or
object, requires the same protection as if direct contact is made with a live part.