MIL-HDBK-1025/10 Stringing Secondary Line Wires. Before stringing secondary wires, nearby or
adjacent energized lines should be de-energized and grounded. As an exception, service wires
may be installed near overhead energized lines provided the following operations are carried out
in the following order.
a. Connect service wires to the building; attach a handline to the other end of each wire
and carefully raise the wire to its position on the pole; and then attach service wires to the bracket
or crossarm.
b. While these operations are being performed, workers should wear rubber gloves and
use insulation to prevent shock from unintentional contact between the service wires and the
primary lines.
c. Personnel on the ground should not attempt to install meters or other secondary
connections while these operations are being performed. Protecting Secondary Lines. In the handling and stringing of weatherproof-
covered wires, care should be taken not to injure the weatherproof covering.
7.10.7 Removing Lines. Removing or salvaging wires requires the same general
precautions as stringing wires. However, where practicable, the wire to be removed should be
pulled out and laid flat on the ground before any attempt is made to coil the wire by hand or on a
nonpower-driven reel.
A worker should never change the strains on a pole by removing wires
until certain that the pole will safely stand the altered strain. Where a
pole will be weakened by the removal of the wires, it should be guyed
before these wires are removed. All wires should be lowered with a
handline. If this is not possible, before cutting a wire aloft care should be
used to avoid contact with other wires.
a. Lines which are being cut or rearranged should not be allowed to sag on, or be blown
against other electric power lines, signal lines, signal equipment, metal sheaths of cables, metal
pipes, ground wires, metal fixtures on poles, guy wires, and span wires.
b. Wires which have been cut, or which are being rearranged, should not be allowed to
fall near or on a roadway where there is danger to traffic. Where it is impossible to keep these
wires clear of the roadway by at least 3 meters (10 feet) or more, (depending upon the voltage of
the adjacent lines) all traffic should be blocked. All persons working on lower levels of poles,