where cutting is taking place, and all personnel on the ground should be notified well in advance
of the cutting so that they may stand clear.
Engineering guidance should be obtained prior to the installation or
removal of guys. Guy Installation. Install guys to meet the following requirements.
a. When insulators are used they should be connected into the guy wire line before the
guy wire is set in place. In new work, guys should generally be installed before line wires are
strung. In reconstruction work, guys should be installed before any changes are made in the line
wires and care should be taken not to place excessive pull on the pole and wires already in
b. Guys should be installed so that there is minimal interference with the climbing space
and guys should clear all energized wires.
c. Guy strain insulators should be provided, wherever necessary, to secure the required
amount of insulation in accordance with applicable codes.
d. Guys should be installed to the correct tension. Where necessary, a guy hook may be
used to prevent the guy from slipping down the pole. These hooks should be so located that they
do not interfere with climbing and so placed that they will not be used as steps. Where guys are
liable to cut into the surface of a pole, the pole should be protected by a guy plate at the point
where the guy is attached. The plate should be well secured to the pole to prevent the possibility
of injury to a worker climbing up or down the pole.
e. All guys should be installed so that they do not interfere with street or highway traffic.
Guys located near streets, or highways, should be equipped with traffic guards. Traffic guards are
sometimes called "anchor shields". Guy guards (traffic shields or anchor shields) should be
f. Guy wires should be installed so that they will not rub against messenger or signal
g. Guy wire containing snarls or kinks should not be used for line work. It is preferable
to use guy wires of the correct length to avoid unnecessary splices.