UFC 3-580-10
14 July 2004
Including changes 12 April 2005
Protected Distribution Systems (PDS). Provide in accordance
with the following guidance and with IA PUB-5239-22, Information Assurance
Protected Distribution System (PDS) Publication (For Official Use Only). See
SECNAVINST 5510.36, Department of the Navy (DoN) Information Security
Program (ISP) Regulation for additional clarification. When transmission of
unencrypted classified information such as SIPRNET is a project requirement,
the Designer of Record must coordinate closely with EFD Technical Reviewer,
Contracting Officer, and Activity early in the design to define the routing of PDS,
outlet locations, and area classifications. PDS must originate in a Secure Room
(SR) or a Controlled Access Area (CAA) and must terminate in a SR, CAA, or
Restricted Access Area (RAA). If it is identified that the entire area in which a
distribution system will be installed can be certified as a controlled access area
(CAA), PDS will not be required. However, systems that transmit unencrypted
classified information must also meet the requirements of NSTISSAM
TEMPEST/2-95, Red/Black Installation Guidance. While unprotected cables may
be run within the CAA, unprotected cables must not be run outside the perimeter
of the CAA.
There are three parallel processes associated with PDS
implementation; the "PDS Approval Request", the facility design including the
PDS infrastructure, and the design and installation of the associated network
equipment. The Government's facility designer can be an Architectural-
Engineering firm or In-House staff. The Government's PDS designer can be the
facility designer or the NMCI contractor. Establishing the PDS requirements, as
well as developing and submitting the "PDS Approval Request" to
SPAWARSYSCEN is considered planning and cannot be funded by
MCON/MCNR projects. The development and submission of the required
documentation is an activity responsibility and must be in accordance with IA
PUB 5239-22. Submitting "Request for Final Approval" of the PDS and classified
system, including the funding, is also an Activity responsibility and must be in
accordance with IA PUB 5239-22. SPAWARSYSCEN Charleston is the
Technical Review Authority and engineering support agent for all DoN PDS. For
an overview of the design and approval process, see PDS Design/Approval
Controlled Access Area (CAA). A CAA is a physical area such as
a building or room under physical control and where only personnel cleared to
the level of the information being processed are authorized unrestricted access.
All other personnel are either escorted or are under continuous surveillance.
Within a CAA, a PDS is not required for classified information processed at or
below the classification level of the CAA. Systems transmitting unencrypted