UFC 3-600-01
26 September 2006
Pressure required for sprinklered facilities must be the most demanding pressure
of the domestic/industrial demand, sprinkler demand, or hose stream demand
and must be determined by hydraulic calculations.
Requirements for fire protection water storage are based on the assumption that
there will be only one fire at a time. The quantity of water required is equal to the
product of the fire protection water demand and the required duration. This
quantity represents fire protection requirements only, and must be available at all
times. Water supply for domestic, industrial, and other demands must be added
to these requirements to determine the total amount of water that is necessary at
a facility.
Total Storage Capacity.
The total supply stored for fire protection purposes must be sufficient to meet the
maximum required fire flow demand for the durations specified in this UFC.
Reduction in Storage Capacity.
In computing the fire protection storage requirement, a reduction in storage
capacity is acceptable if an adequate replenishment source is available. Factors
that must be evaluated include the reliability of the makeup facility, its sustained
flow capacity, its method of operation (automatic or manual), and flow limitations
imposed by the capacity of treatment operations. These factors and calculations
must be reviewed and approved by the cognizant Fire Protection Engineer.
Replenishment of Storage.
The water storage must be self-replenishing. It must reach required volume
during normal consumption within 48 hours, and within 24 hours curtailing normal
One or more of the following reliable means shall provide water to an installation
for fire protection:
Multiple connections to looped or gridded public water distribution
system(s) arranged so that during any single-point failure, at least
50% of the maximum required fire flow demand plus 100% of
domestic demand can still be supplied to the activity / facility.
A single connection to a public water distribution system, plus on-
site storage that is adequate to supply domestic demand for 24
hours plus the maximum required fire flow demand in the event the
connection to the public system is lost.