EI 01D010
1 September 1997
obtained periodically from qualified firms normally
7-8. Small Tools
engaged in that type work.
The cost of small power and hand tools and
miscellaneous non-capitalized equipment and
plant should be based on the delivered cost of the
supplies should be estimated as a percentage of the
item, plus erection, taxes, and dismantling costs
labor cost. The allowance must be determined by the
minus salvage value at the end of the project.
cost engineer in each case, based upon experience for
Maintenance and repair are operating costs and
the type of work involved. Unit prices based on
should be distributed throughout work
historical data already include a small tools
allowance. The small tool cost will be considered as
part of equipment cost. Such allowance can range
7-6. Equipment Ownership and
typically up to 12 percent of direct labor cost. The
Operating Expense Cost Rates
cost engineer must ensure that this cost is not
duplicated in the overhead rate percentages. The
crews data base in the UPB does not contain a small
a. The Equipment Ownership Schedule in EP
tools allowance.
1110-1-8 determines the hourly rates for equipment
ownership and operating expense. These rates are
also included in the UPB and will be used in the
7-9. HTRW Program Specific
preparation of all cost estimates for owned equip-
ment. These pamphlets have been developed for
different geographic regions in the United States, and
a. Equipment productivity is frequently reduced
the appropriate pamphlet or UPB should be used
on HTRW projects due to restricted operator mobility
based upon project location. Rented and leased
because of unique HTRW Health and Safety
equipment is also discussed in the EP and is
requirements. Equipment production rates should
appropriate for inclusion in the estimate at com-
therefore be adjusted to coincide with operator
petitive rates if judgment determines this to be a
efficiency. Additionally, HTRW projects typically
reasonable approach by a prudent contractor.
have three work zones; exclusion (hot),
b. In the event, the cost engineer develops costs
Equipment must be decontaminated as it leaves the
for the actual equipment being used at a job site
exclusion zone to enter the support zone.
exceeding 40 hours per week, the rates shall be
adjusted as described by EP 1110-1-8.
reduction zone prior to entering the support zone.
Equipment decontamination time must be included in
7-7. Plant Cost
the estimated equipment costs for equipment leaving
the exclusion zone.
In cases of highly specialized plant, 100 percent
write-off of the total value of the plant may be
b. Equipment used for construction at
justified for a particular project. For less highly
Department of Energy (DOE) or other radioactive
specialized plant, some salvage may be anticipated,
sites normally becomes contaminated with ionizing
depending on storage cost, resale value, and prob-
radiation (Alpha, Beta, or Gamma radiation). Threat
ability of sale or reuse in the immediate future. The
of radiation to humans is primarily reduced by the use
total project charge including operation, maintenance,
of distance, time, and/or shielding; thus, radiation on
and repair should be distributed in proportion to the
the equipment cannot generally be decontaminated,
time and item the plant is used on the various con-
unless the radiation is on the surface only, and can be
tract items. Cost of plant required for the production
"wiped" clean by manual decontamination
of concrete, aggregates, ice or heat for cooling or
procedures. Only the natural decay process (also
heating of concrete, etc., should normally be included
known as "half-life") of unstable isotopes or radio
in the estimate as part of the cost of these materials or
supplies manufactured or produced at the site.
Construction equipment contaminated with