EI 01D010
1 September 1997
equipment exiting the exclusion zone. Decon-
and storage of hazardous wastes. These fees can have
tamination facilities commonly reside in the
a tremendous impact on the ultimate disposal costs
hazardous wastes. A USACE report, entitled "Report
exclusion and support zones. Support costs for
on Treatment, Storage, & Disposal Facilities,"
personnel, equipment, and supplies for the operation
contains a detailed listing of taxes and fees by state
of the decontamination facilities must be included in
and is available in all division and district cost
the estimate. Costs should also be included for proper
engineering offices.
disposal of contaminated water, chemicals, and
f. HTRW video monitoring/recording systems
and photographs. HTRW projects usually require
d. HTRW health and safety. This can be a
project photographs and videos throughout the
significant portion of an HTRW project's costs. Some
remedial action process. Contract specifications will
examples of health and safety are costs for a Certified
describe requirements in detail. Costs for
Industrial Hygienist; Industrial Hygiene Technician,
photographs and video monitoring and recording
Radiation Protection Technologist; Certified Health
systems are included in the UPB.
Physicist; Site Safety and Health Officer; Air
monitoring Technician; Chemical Quality Control
g. HTRW unique submittal. HTRW projects
Manager; Health and Safety Training; Medical
require some unique pre-construction plans. Costs
Personnel and Exams; Personal Protective
for these plans should be included in the estimate.
Equipment such as protective coverings, respirators,
Some plans unique to HTRW and the professional
filters, and air supply; emergency equipment such as
level of effort and disciplines required to prepare the
eye and body wash stations and showers; radioactive
plans are shown in the table below. Level of effort
depends on the nature and complexity of the project.
necessary health and safety personnel, equipment
The UPB contains average production rates and costs
such as monitoring equipment for release of
for each of the plans listed below. The cost engineer
hazardous substances, and other requirements must
should consult with the appropriate technical
be included in the estimate. Health and safety costs
personnel for each plan to insure that the correct level
do not however, include the additional cost
of effort is applied to each plan for the project. Some
attributable to production reduction. Additional costs
project specifications combine plans. Economies of
due to reduced productivity are reflected in the labor
scale should be considered when costing out
and equipment direct cost work tasks. The unit price
combined plans. Also, full-time professional
book contains costs for health and safety supplies and
personnel costed out in job overhead may prepare
equipment. Costs for proper disposal and treatment
plans as part of their normal salary. In such cases,
of contaminated health and safety supplies and
costs for preparation of plans should not be double
equipment must also be included in the estimate.
counted. Table 10-2 may be used to estimate the
level of effort for the principal discipline to prepare
e. HTRW permits/taxes/fees. Some states
each type of plan. It does not include time for
require special permits and impose taxes and fees on
secretarial, project manager, or other support
HTRW waste generation. These would include taxes
personnel and incidentals such as reproduction, and
and fees for land disposal, incineration, treatment,
mailing. These costs should be added separately.