EI 01D010
1 September 1997
(4) HTRW disposal costs. There are
prices for landfill disposal costs and disposal fees
special requirements and costs associated with
and taxes. The report on TSDF' also includes
disposal and transportation of HTRW waste.
transportation fees for hazardous waste.
Disposal of HTRW waste at an offsite Treatment,
Storage, or Disposal Facility (TSDF) requires that
13-4. Cost Escalation
standards imposed by Federal and State regulatory
agencies be met. For instance, the EPA has created
a. Cost estimates, when finalized, must reflect
specific standards for each of ten types of TSDF
the total cost during the entire duration of
regulated under the Resource Conservation and
construction. These costs will reflect cost inflation
Recovery Act (RCRA). Types of disposal or
beyond the effective pricing level (date) of the
treatment at these facilities include containers, tanks,
baseline estimate. Such escalation must be identified
surface impoundments, waste piles, land treatment
as a separate element within the cost estimate. This
facilities, landfills, thermal treatment units,
allows the cost engineer the ability to easily adjust
the estimate to reflect schedule changes. The
facilities, and injection wells. As a result, disposal
methodology for developing cost escalation varies
costs for HTRW materials are significantly higher
with each program.
than for other materials. A number of TSDF' are
engaged in commercial disposal of hazardous waste.
b. Civil Works. EM 1110-2-1304 will be used
Some of the TSDF' publish fee schedules and will
to update unit prices and various project cost features
give price quotes for disposal of various categories of
to current price levels. Inflation factors for use in
hazardous waste. However, because hazardous waste
predicting future costs will be those developed by the
frequently consists of many different types of
Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The
OMB factors are published by HQUSACE,
sample of the hazardous material be submitted to
Programs Division (CECW-B), in an Engineer
them for analysis before they quote a price for
Circular (EC) for the Annual Program and Budget
disposal, or even agree to accept the waste. A
Request for Civil Works Activities.
USACE report entitled, A Report on Treatment,
Storage, and Disposal Facilities (TSDF) for HTRW
c. Military Programs. The Tri-Service Military
has been prepared that lists in detail all operating
Construction Program (MCP) Index will be used to
commercial hazardous waste landfills, incinerators,
project escalation due to inflationary factors. The
cement kilns, and deep well injection facilities in the
Tri-Service indexes are based on forecasts of
United States. Facility brochures and fee schedules
anticipated escalation for the future fiscal years
are provided in the report for some of the facilities.
issued by the Comptroller of the Department of
The report is available in all Division and District
Defense. The MCP index is updated annually and
cost engineering offices.
available through EIRS Bulletins and PAX System
(5) Transportation. Transportation of
hazardous waste to TSDF' is also subject to special
d. HTRW. The Tri-Service MCP Index will be
charges. Licensing is required by both Federal and
used to project escalation costs for all military
State authorities for intrastate and interstate hauling
HTRW remedial action estimates.
of hazardous waste. Manifests must accompany
transportation of the waste material. Specialized
13-5. Contingencies
containers and packaging are often required to
transport hazardous waste, such as roll-off
a. Contingencies are used to cover unknowns,
containers, rubber or poly-lined containers, drums
unforeseen uncertainties, and/or unanticipated
and drum over-packs. Costs incurred for
conditions that are not possible to adequately
transportation and disposal of hazardous waste
evaluate from the data on hand at the time the cost
should be included in HTRW estimates. Division 2
estimate is prepared, but must be represented by a
of the UPB contains unit price costs for
sufficient cost to cover the identified risks.
transportation packaging. Division 13 contains unit