EI 01D010
1 September 1997
of this form, or the page that shows the estimated total
cost, will include the appropriate signatures necessary
to support the type of cost estimate being prepared.
17-1. General
(2) Reasonable Contract Estimate Detail
Summary Sheet, ENG Form 1739-R (figure 17-2), is
a. This chapter contains a discussion of the standard
used to summarize the various direct cost components
estimating forms with a brief explanation of their use in
and to allocate distributed costs in developing the unit or
presenting manually prepared construction cost estimates.
lump sum prices for the various work items being
A project narrative will be provided for each cost estimate
estimated. It is useful for showing the equipment, labor,
prepared using these forms. Refer to chapter 4 for factors
material, and supply costs for the whole job as general
to be considered when preparing the narrative.
information and can be used for comparison with the
records on other jobs of a similar nature. The work item
b. Completed examples of these forms are
and quantity data shall be entered in the first four
provided in this chapter. Estimates developed using
these forms may be prepared in an electronic format,
total equipment, labor, material, and supply costs, as
however, pencil format is the preferred method. For
determined from the supporting worksheets (ENG Forms
uniformity in form completion, the following general
1741-R, 1741a-R, 1741b-R, or 1741c-R) or from the
guidance is given:
Worksheet Summary (ENG Form 1740-R) will be
entered in the appropriate columns provided. The total
(1) Each original sheet should be in
distributed cost, including bond costs and profit when
reproducible quality.
appropriate, will be added to the subtotal direct cost for
each work item on a proportional basis. The unit cost for
(2) Once the estimate has been completed,
each unit price item will then be determined by dividing
checked, and approved, the desired number of copies
the total cost by the quantity for that item. The adjusted
should be reproduced from the original.
unit cost column will be used to round off the unit cost or
lump sum amounts to avoid the use of decimals. The
(3) For A-E prepared estimates, the original
adjusted unit costs and amounts should be transferred to
should be forwarded with the final submittal.
ENG Form 1738-R or other similar type tabulation sheet.
(4) Pencil originals should normally be
(3) Reasonable Contract Estimate
retained by the cost engineering office preparing the
Worksheet Summary, ENG Form 1740-R (figure 17-
3), is used to summarize the cost of equipment, labor,
materials, and supplies for a specific construction
(5) Each sheet should be initialed by both
task prior to transfer to the Detail Summary Sheet
the preparer and the reviewer.
(ENG Form 1739-R) for those work items which
require more than one set of worksheets.
17-2. Standard Forms
(4) Reasonable Contract Estimate Worksheets,
a. Civil Works Program. The following standard
ENG Forms 1741-R, 1741a-R, 1741b-R, and 1741c-R
estimating forms will be used in preparing cost
(figures 17-4, 17-5, 17-6, and 17-7) are used in
estimates when the use of the MCACES software is
developing the costs of equipment, labor, materials, and
exempted by ER 1110-2-1302. These forms have been
supplies necessary to accomplish a specific construction
designated as a guide in the development of a
task. ENG Form 1741 should define the plan of
reasonable cost estimate for civil works.
operation for performing the work for the specific
construction task. It should include a clear description of
(1) Reasonable Contract Estimate, ENG Form
the scope of the construction task and any parameters that
1738-R (figure 17-1), is used to summarize the total
may influence productivity. Equipment or labor output
cost estimate by tabulating the required work items and
controlling the rate of production should be stated along
the corresponding unit prices and lump sum amounts
with the calculations to show the time required to
developed on the detail summary sheets. The last page
perform the work. ENG Forms 1741a-R and 1741b-R