Construction Cost Factor (CCF)
.23/SY based on data provided by the Air Force Civil Engineer Support Activity (AFCESA).
Based on analysis on an inventory, AFCESA determined that 55.19% were concrete; 30.38% were
bituminous (asphalt); 7.14% were stabilized; and 7.29% were other. Average values for all but the other
category were derived by AFCESA, using their PACES system, and a weighting methodology. This value
was inflated from the v5.0 FPG to FY 04 dollars using an OSD provided factor of 1.015.
Sustainment Cost Factor (SCF)
.24/SY , using the SCF developed for the DoD FPG v5.0. The v5.0 value was inflated by 1.015.
Previous SCF values were calculated by AFCESA using Pavement Condition Indices (PCI) calculated by
MicroPaver and cost factors provided by the Air Force's AETC/CE. These values were supplied to OSD
by the Air Force and accepted for use by OSD.