UFC 4-010-01
8 October 2003
Including change 1, 22 January 2007
Where the conventional construction standoff distances detailed in these
standards are met, most conventional construction techniques can be used with only
marginal impact on the total construction or renovation cost. The financial impact of
these standards will be significantly less than the economic and intangible costs of a
mass casualty event.
While it is feasible to apply these standards to new construction as of the
effective dates established herein, applying them to all existing construction and to all
leased facilities as of those dates would not be feasible. The intent, therefore, is to
bring existing buildings into compliance with these standards over time as major
investments are made in them or as leases are renewed such that eventually all
inhabited DoD buildings comply with these standards.
LEVELS OF PROTECTION. The levels of protection provided by these
standards meet the intent described above and establish a foundation for the rapid
application of additional protective measures in a higher threat environment. These
standards may be supplemented where specific terrorist threats are identified, where
more stringent local standards apply, or where local commanders dictate additional
measures. Detailed descriptions of the levels of protection are provided in Chapter 2
and UFC 4-020-01.
DoD Component Standards. Where DoD Component standards such as
geographic Combatant Commander standards address unique requirements, those
standards will be incorporated in accordance with their implementing directives, but not
to the exclusion of these standards.
Threat-Specific Requirements. Where a design basis threat is identified
whose mitigation requires protective measures beyond those required by these
standards or DoD Component standards, those measures will be developed in
accordance with the provisions of UFC 4-020-01. The provisions of UFC 4-020-01
include the design criteria that will be the basis for the development of the protective
measures, estimates of the costs of those measures, and detailed guidance for
developing the measures required to mitigate the identified threat. The design criteria
include the assets to be protected, the threat to those assets, and the desired level of
protection. Use of UFC 4-020-01 will ensure uniform application, development, and
cost estimation of protective measures throughout DoD.
Critical Facilities. Buildings that must remain mission operational during
periods of national crisis and/or if subjected to terrorist attack should be designed to
significantly higher levels of protection than those provided by these standards.
Explosive Safety Standards. These antiterrorism standards establish
criteria to minimize the potential for mass casualties and progressive collapse from a
terrorist attack. DoD 6055.9-STD, DoD Ammunition and Explosive Safety Standards as
implemented by Service component explosive safety standards, establish acceptable
levels of protection for accidental explosions of DoD-titled munitions. The explosive
safety and antiterrorism standards address hazards associated with unique events;