UFC 4-010-01
8 October 2003
Including change 1, 22 January 2007
Recruiting Stations in Leased Spaces. Recruiting stations located in
leased spaces are exempt from all provisions of these standards.
Military Protective Construction. Facilities designed to the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (or equivalent) standards for collaterally protected,
semi-hardened, protected, and hardened facilities are exempt from all provisions of
these standards; however, the threats included in this standard should be incorporated
into the design criteria for the military protective construction. (Refer to SHAPE
document 6160/SHLOFA-059-82.)
Documentation. The inclusion of these standards into DoD construction
or the inclusion of protective measures above the requirements of these standards will
be incorporated into the appropriate construction programming documents (such as the
DD Form 1391) in accordance with DoD Component guidance. Refer to UFC 4-020-01
for guidance on the costs for implementing these standards and for providing protective
measures beyond these standards.
Funding Thresholds. For existing buildings, these standards are
intended solely to correct design deficiencies to appropriately address emergent life-
threatening terrorist risks. As a result, funding thresholds for Unspecified Minor Military
Construction and Operations and Maintenance funding may be increased in accordance
with 10 USC Sections 2805(a)(1) and 2805 (c)(1).
INFORMATION SENSITIVITY. Some information in these standards is
exempt from mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. The sensitive
information that is exempt is the explosive weights upon which the standoff distances
are based, which is included in UFC 4-010-02. Allowing potential aggressors to know
the minimum explosive weights that all DoD inhabited buildings are designed to resist
could constitute a vulnerability. To minimize the possibility of that information being
used against DoD personnel, the following provisions apply:
Distribution. Follow governing DoD and Component guidance for
specific requirements for handling and distribution of For Official Use Only information.
In general, distribution of this UFC is unlimited. Distribution of the tables (Tables 1 and
2) in UFC 4-010-02 is authorized only to U.S. Government agencies and their
contractors. In addition, where it is within Status of Forces Agreements (SOFA) or other
similar information exchange agreements, the information in these standards may be
distributed to host-nation elements for the purposes of their administration and design of
host-nation funded or designed construction.
Posting to the Internet. This UFC may be
posted freely to
the Internet;
however, because the tables (Tables 1 and 2) in UFC 4-010-02 are For Official Use
Only, they cannot be posted to any web site that is accessible to the general public. In
addition, other documents that include information from these standards that are
identified as For Official Use Only cannot be posted to web sites accessible to the
general public. For Official Use Only information may be posted to protected, non-