are included. See SPAWARS Instruction 2804.1, Policy and Procedures
Concerning Base Electronic Systems Engineering Plan.
Intrusion Detection Systems Engineering Plan (IDSEP). NISE-EAST is
directed by Commander Naval Investigative Service Command (COMNISCOM), OP-09,
to prepare IDSEPs for electronic sensor system (ESS)/intrusion detection
system (IDS) installations when a MILCON is required. The reference document
for the IDSEP is Section 6.0 of SPAWARS Instruction 2804.1 and is equivalent
to a MILCON BESEP. The scope of the IDSEP is specific only to detailed
requirements for design of the facility in order to accommodate ESS/IDS and
related electronic equipment.
Policy Statement. Design of aviation operational and support
in this handbook, MIL-HDBK-1024/1. Operational facilities should incorporate
the user's requirements, provide the most effective support possible, and
over other criteria such as convenience or cost should compromises be
required. Documents such as the BESEP, applicable NAVFAC publications, and
other pertinent Navy and DOD documents shall be governing sources for
establishment of requirements.