Premanufactured Buildings. Consider using a premanufactured
building as described in par. 2.3.12.
Electrical Requirements. To avoid potential interference with radio
communications, locate power, communications, and control cables underground
within 1,000 feet of the antenna field. Ensure facility electrical systems do
Emergency Electrical Power. Provide an emergency generator with
automatic starting and switching capability as described in par. 2.5.7.
Provide emergency power to the entire communications facility.
external security. When the facility is located within a restricted area of a
lower level of security or is located remote and outside of an established
restricted area, provide additional measures to meet the minimum security
requirements for the level of security assigned to the facility. The level of
security and the designer's responsibility for particular security elements
will be designated in the IDSEP. Refer to par. 2.6.
Additional Design Criteria.
Refer to Section 2 for facility design
requirements not addressed above.