UFC 4-150-02
12 May 2003
Including change 1, 19 January 2007
Location and Arrangement of Piping Mains and Branches. As a
general rule, provide a single compressed air main with cross branch piping to outlets
for all active berthing piers and for all repair piers 15.24 m (50 ft) or less in width. For
repair piers wider than15.24 m (50 ft), provide a piping main on both sides of the pier
and provide a cross connection at the outboard end of the pier (loop configuration).
Coordinate piping with structural conditions and arrange mains for the best combination
of versatility, security, and overall cost. It is normally more desirable operationally to
provide a looped compressed air main rather than an equivalent single main. Provide
isolation valves at appropriate locations for reliability of service during emergency
repairs. The number of shore compressed air outlets and risers for various ship types is
defined in APPENDIX C. Specific ships connection locations (one or two per ship) are
also defined. However, compressed air may be required at many locations both on and
alongside a ship during maintenance or repair operations. The number of outlets and
risers per berth should therefore be integrated within utility groups designed and spaced
as discussed in Chapter 2.
Outlet Design. See Figure 3-3. The size of outlet risers should be the
same as that of branch piping. Provide a full-sized accessible shut-off valve in each
branch near the outlet riser. Hose couplers for maintenance and repair connections
should be quick coupler type and must match those used by the Activity. When the site
is an existing facility, the number and size of maintenance and repair hose connections
required to match a facility standard may be used in lieu of those given in the following
table. Shore couplings for 63.5 mm (2-1/2 in) ship-to-shore connections should be male
cam-locking connector with cap which complies with Commercial Item Description (CID)
A-A-59326, "Coupling Halves, Quick-Disconnect, Cam-Locking Type" (with
supplements). Shore couplings for 101.6 mm (4 in) ship-to-shore connections should
be 150-pound flanges with blind flange covers. Refer to Chapter 2 for general
description of the arrangement and spacing of utility outlets. Provide a header at the
outlet riser, with hose connections (valved outlets and hose couplers) sized as follows:
2 inch
Four 3/4 inch
3 inch
Two 3/4 inch & Two 1-3/4 inch
4 inch
4 inch
Two 3/4 inch & Two 1-1/4 inch
4 inch