UFC 4-150-02
12 May 2003
Including change 1, 19 January 2007
Over 4
Total System Demand. Where a system serves more than one pier,
assume only one ship fire will occur for the group of repair piers. The
multiple pier supply system should be designed to meet the requirement of
the pier with the highest demand plus the aggregate cooling/flushing
demand from ships at all remaining piers, and then adjusted by the same
diversity factors defined above. To obtain an overall demand that includes
drydocks, add the sum of all drydock demands to the multiple pier demand
as described herein.
Pressure Requirement. The saltwater pressure should be 1034 kPa (150
psi) residual pressure (for all ships except submarines) at the most remote
outlet. Submarines require only 276 kPa (40 psi). These pressure
requirements should be available within 3 minutes of system activation.
Active Berthing (Single or Multiple Berths). As stated previously in
paragraph 3-3, shore supplied saltwater or non-potable water should not be provided to
active berthing piers or wharves. However, there are instance where this occurs. In the
criteria given below for saltwater or nonpotable water demands, one of the following
conditions of flow governs. (Note: Either the fire protection demand or the
cooling/flushing demand may govern. Use whichever is greater.)
Base fire demand on a fire occurring aboard the ship with the largest fire
protection demand plus the cooling/flushing ratings of all other ships
connected to the fire protection water systems, and then adjusted for
Base cooling/flushing demand on the aggregate of connected ships and
then adjusted for diversity.
Requirements for selected ship classes are defined in APPENDIX C. For
ships not included in APPENDIX C, use data from a similar ship, or obtain the expected
demand from NAVFAC CIENG. For CVN-68 class ship include saltwater for firefighting
and cooling/flushing when potential exists for ship to be in cold iron status. Total
demand equals firefighting plus cooling/flushing flow.
Pumping Equipment. Pumps may be permanent, portable or mobile as
justified and approved under the requirements defined in paragraph 3-3.1. In general,
pump capacities and heads should be selected to provide for both fire protection and
cooling/flushing requirements. Use separate pumps for the two requirements only when
specifically allowed or when upgrading an existing system as defined in paragraph 3-
3.5.2. Refer to UFC 3-600-01 for requirements of fire pumps and associated
equipment. Centrifugal fire pumps should comply with NFPA 20, Centrifugal Fire
Pumps. Refer also to MIL-HDBK-1005/7A, Water Supply Systems, for pumping
equipment criteria.