UFC 4-150-02
12 May 2003
Including change 1, 19 January 2007
Special Outlets. In lieu of the typical outlet assembly, provide four 101.6
mm (4 in) gate-valved hose connections in a 203 mm (8-in) manifold arrangement with
a 203 mm (8 in) riser at each of two locations. Approximate locations of outlets for
aircraft carriers should be as indicated on Figure 3-6. For LHA and LHD ships,
determine locations from NAVSEA or from the Activity. Except for the riser size, outlet
design and configuration should be similar to outlets at other locations and which serve
the smaller ships.
Upgrading. Permanent changes to existing pier systems for upgrading of
the fire protection system (where permanent system has been justified) should be a
separate high-pressure system. Provide pipes, fittings, and valves with a pressure
rating of 1724 kPa (250 psi) minimum. Existing low-pressure saltwater systems may
remain in place for cooling/flushing and for fighting fires on piers when handheld hose
lines are required.
Portable or Mobile Pumps. Supplemental large-volume portable or
mobile pumps may be utilized to augment the salt-water supply from a permanent
system. Existing systems that can supply a portion of the requirement at 1034 kPa (150
psi) residual pressure may remain unchanged. However, when portable or mobile
systems are used at drydocks or repair facilities, the capacity of the permanent system
should be no less than 18,925 lpm (5000 gpm).
Other Nuclear-Powered Ship Requirements. For active and repair
berthing or docking, the requirements are the same as those for conventionally powered
ships of similar type.
POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS. Potable water should be provided for all
berthing spaces so that ships may be supplied water. For graving drydocks, refer to
UFC 4-213-10, Graving Drydocks. Lastly, supplemental utility data as well as
specialized technical data is added to the end of this chapter.
Quantity and Pressure Requirements
Active Berthing (Single or Multiple Berths). For single berths, provide
a potable water supply of 63 l/s (1000 gpm) for all berth lengths up to610 m (2000 ft).
Design for a minimum residual pressure of 276 kPa (40 psi) downstream of an RP2
backflow preventer located at the most remote outlet on the pier. Where the pier length
accommodates more than one berth, provide a potable water supply of 63 l/s (1000
gpm) for the first 610 m (2000 ft) of berth, plus 32 l/s (500 gpm) for each additional 610
m (2000 ft), up to a maximum of 126 l/s (2000 gpm), and with a minimum pressure of
276 kPa (40 psi) downstream of an RP2 backflow preventer located at the most remote
outlet. Potable water requirements for selected ship classes are defined in APPENDIX
C. For ships not included in Appendix C use data from a similar ship or obtain the
expected data from NAVFAC CIENG or USACE.