UFC 4-150-07
19 June 2001
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY. At each Navy installation, a Safety
Office exists to oversee all base operations for compliance with federal, state,
and local occupational safety regulations. The Safety Office is the primary point
of contact for information and assistance with project safety issues. It is their
responsibility to give direction and guidance on what safety regulations are
applicable for each project, and which safety measures are required for
compliance. To adequately identify the hazards associated with this type of work
operation, the Safety Office may require a safety plan for any new project. The
safety plan is sometimes called an "accident prevention plan" or "job hazard
analysis" and includes activity hazard analyses for each phase of the project.
This plan identifies the sequence of work operations, hazards associated with
each task and the recommended controls (engineering, elimination, isolation,
substitution and/or personal protective equipment) to ensure safe work
operations. This plan is submitted by the project planner(s) before the project
begins. COE EM-385-1-1 recommends submitting the safety plan at least 15
calendar days before the work starts at the job site. However, individual Safety
Offices may require longer review periods. The Safety Office reviews the plan
and provides feedback to the project planner on safety requirements. Appendix A
of USACOE 3854-1 provides a minimum basic outline for Accident Prevention
Plans. An example of a safety plan format is given in Figure 4-1. Project work for
a new project is usually not allowed to proceed until the safety plan has been
signed and approved.