UFC 4-150-07
19 June 2001
OPNAVINST 5100.23, Navy
720 Kennon Street, SE
Occupational Safety and Health
Washington, D.C., 20374-5074
Program Manual
Naval Facilities Engineering Service
Contract Report CEL-CR-81.009,
Survey of Techniques for Underwater
1100 23rd Avenue
Maintenance/Repair of Waterfront
Structures, February 1981 by Childs
Port Hueneme CA 93043-4370
Engineering Corporation
Survey of Techniques for Underwater
Maintenance /Repair of Waterfront
Structures, Revision No. 1, December
1985 by Childs Engineering
NCEL TM-43-85-01CR, UCT
Conventional Inspection and Repair
Techniques Manual, October 1984
NCEL CR 87-005, Inspection
Steel, and Concrete Pile Supported
Waterfront Structures, November 1986
NCEL TN-1762, Sampling Criteria and
Procedures for Inspection of Waterfront
Facilities, September 1988
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
AR 415
AR 420-10 Series
Shore Protection Manual, Vol 1 and 2
EM-1110-2-1614, Design of Coastal
Revetments, Seawalls, and Bulkheads,
EM-1110-2-2904, Design of
Breakwaters and Jetties
EM-1110-2-1204, Environmental
Engineering for Coastal Protection
EM-1110-2-1414, Water Levels and
Wave Heights for Coastal Engineering