UFC 4-150-07
19 June 2001
ASTM C 920, Standard Specification
for Elastomeric Joint Sealant
ASTM D 774, Standard Test Method
for Bursting Strength of Paper
ASTM D 1551, Test Method for
Laboratory Compaction Characteristics
of Soil Using Modified Effort
ASTM D 4022, Specification for Coal
Tar Roof Cement
ASTM D 4491, Standard Test Method
by Permittivity
ASTM D 4595, Standard Test Method
the Wide-Width Strip Method
American Wood Preservers'
Standard M4, Standard for the Care of
PO Box 5690
Granbury TX 76049-0690
Principles of Quality Concrete
Portland Cement Association
5420 old Orchard Road
Skokie IL 60077
Marine Construction Manual: A Guide
Southern Pine Council
c/o SFPC
to Using Pressure-Treated Southern
PO Box 641700
Pine in Fresh and Saltwater
Kenner, LA 70064-1700
Applications, October 1994
Observations and Recommendations
Sheffer, T.C.
Regarding Decay in Naval Waterfront
Information Services,
Structures, September 1996
USDA Forest Service
Forest Products Laboratory
One Gifford Pinchot Drive
Madison, WI 53705-2398
Morrell, J.J. et. al
Marine Wood Maintenance Manual: A