TM 5-850-1
B-1. Introduction.
go suitable for throughput need a high degree of
d. Area requirements. Another important factor
Many of the containership terminals are provided with
affecting the effort involved in constructing adequate
from 12 to 18 acres of container storage and marshaling
surfacing at military ports is the amount of area to be
area per berth. Wheel loads and tire pressures of
surfaced. It is extremely important that the total surface
container handling equipment used at the commercial
area be limited in order to minimize construction and
ports have been determined to be as severe as those of
maintenance efforts.
Area requirements vary with
a C-130 aircraft. Therefore, it is absolutely essential
vehicle characteristics, operational patterns, container
that military port planners be able to determine the
sizes and weights, driver skill, number of vehicles, and
amount of surfacing that is required so that sufficient
protective measures taken.
resources can be programmed into a base development
(1) Trends at commercial ports in the United
States indicate that up to 18 acres of storage and
Factors affecting surfacing
marshaling area may be required for each containership
berth with a minimum retention time of two or three
a. Vehicle characteristics. Vehicles with the same
With a discharge rate of sixteen 20-foot
containers per hour, a storage capacity of 320
load-carrying capabilities may require extremely
containers would represent a one-day, one-direction
different surfacing, depending on individual vehicle
retention time. Because an equal number of containers
characteristics. Surfacing requirements vary in type,
must be placed back on the ship, this quantity will
thickness, and strength in accordance with wheel loads,
double to 640 containers per containership berth per
number of wheels and their arrangement, and tire
day. If these containers were temporarily stacked on a
contact pressure and contact area. Because of this
40-foot trailer chassis, approximately 8 acres of
variation in pavement requirements, the engineering
surfacing would be required. In a chassis operation of
construction and maintenance effort may be several
this type, the spacing between trailers in rows and the
times greater for one vehicle than for another with equal
width of aisles could depend on the skill of truck drivers,
load-carrying capability.
b. Traffic volume and flow patterns. Traffic volume
the load carrying capacity and characteristics of the
vehicles. This variation can result in as much as a 20
is a primary consideration in the selection of the type of
percent reduction in the number of containers that can
surfacing and its required thickness. It is essential that
be stored per acre. If straddle carriers are employed,
an adequate study be made to determine the number of
the 640 containers can be stacked two high in an area of
vehicle passes and the traffic patterns of each vehicle
only 3 acres.
under consideration so that a reasonable design volume
for a particular facility and vehicle can be selected.
c. Container selectivity.
instances, be a factor in area requirements. Although
Container selectivity
camouflage is somewhat limited in effectiveness as a
involves the relative ease with which individual
passive defensive measure for military ports, dispersion
containers can be located and removed from a storage
of materials awaiting shipment out of the port area is an
area. If containers are not stacked or are mounted on a
important consideration.
The number of required
chassis, selectivity would normally be considered 100
container handling vehicles is drastically increased in a
percent because no other containers would have to be
vastly dispersed operation, and the required amount of
moved in order to locate and remove a specific
finished surface area is drastically increased.
container from storage. Utilization of space is not
e. Staging of construction. Considering the many
particularly efficient, however, if containers are stacked
factors that may affect the construction effort relative to
two or three high or in blocks with very little space
surfacing requirements, the decision confronting the
between containers. Space is masimiT7ed at the
military planner may become one of balancing available
expense of selectivity. Both locating a container and
engineer and transportation resources. In the early
removing it from the stack would be difficult. The need
stages of a major base development operation,
for selectivity varies considerably. Empty containers
need virtually no degree of selectivity, but containers