UFC 4-159-03
3 October 2005
Table 3-18. (continued) Design Recommendations
Limit the vertical angles
Designing ships and piers to keep small vertical line
of lines from ship to pier
angles has the advantages of improving line efficiency and
reducing the possibility of lines pulling off pier fittings.
Design mooring system that uses drag anchor, so that the
Select drag anchors to
anchor will drag before the chain breaks.
have a lower ultimate
holding capacity than
the breaking strength of
chain and fittings
Drag anchors work on the principle of `plowing' into the
Limit the loading on drag
soils. Keeping the mooring catenary angle small at the
anchors to horizontal
seafloor will aid in anchor holding. Have at least one shot
of chain on the seafloor to help ensure the anchor will
Pull testing anchors is recommended to ensure that all
Pull test anchors
facilities with anchors provide the required holding
whenever possible to
the full design load