Figure 4-33
Seminar Classroom.
F. Environmental Conditions.
(1) Effect on Group Dynamics.
In a seminar setting, where participants are to have an
equal status or are to be drawn into the discussion,
(1) Windows
Although views to the outside and natural lighting are
type and arrangement of furniture can affect group
dynamics. Good eye contact among group members
not required, they are desirable. There is a greater
will promote interaction. Rectangular tables create
feeling of spaciousness in a small room when there is
a view to the outside. If windows operate and have
dominant table positions at their ends. However,
square tables and table arrangements reduce dominant
screens, they will provide natural ventilation. Natural
positions, encourage subgroup formation, and improve
lighting will also provide the more relaxed and
eye contact in the group. Round tables result in best
informal setting appropriate for a seminar classroom.
Blinds or other light-omitting devices should be used as
eye contact and make all seating positions equal.
(2) Shape and Arrangement.
(2) Lighting.
Lighting levels should be adequate for reading and
a. It should be possible to arrange furniture in
help create a relaxed and informal setting. The
different ways to accommodate different numbers of
required lighting level is 50 foot-candles. Studies have
students. Rectangular tables provide much flexibility in
shown that incandescent lighting, which has a
seating arrangements; round and square tables do not.
psychologically warm color spectrum, creates relaxed
and informal settings when used alone or with
b. Furniture arrangement and size should promote
fluorescent lighting and accent lighting on walls.
interaction. Table size should allow the group to talk
casually, without raising their voices, see details of
G. Furniture.
materials back and forth across the table. (Figure