(2) Recommendations.
a. For recommendations, see Figure 4-32 and 5-2. For
within and outside the room should be minimized.
example color schemes called out in the figures, see
Control of noise from A-V equipment is very
the Appendix.
important. A-V carrels require acoustical separation on
all four sides. Acoustical panels between rows of
b. For general guidance on interior design, see DG
carrels may also be needed. Ambient levels should not
exceed 40 decibels; a continuous background noise
level of 30 decibels is preferred. Carpets and acoustical
K. Criteria.
ceiling material are recommended to control noise.
Table 4-5 lists outline criteria for designing computer-
Walls between rooms should have an STC rating of
aided instruction classrooms.
45. Walls between self-paced instructional rooms and
corridors should have an STC rating of 40.
4-7 Seminar Classrooms.
(3) Thermal.
A. Use/Activities.
Waste heat from computer and other equipment will
Seminar classrooms are used for small group
need to be removed. Carrels should allow air
discussions, briefings, or debriefings. They can also be
circulation along the floor. Carrel panels should be at
used for counseling and remedial instruction.
least 8 inches from the floor.
B. Occupants.
H. Storage.
Typically, fewer than 20 people will use this type of
space; larger groups cannot have effective seminar-type
(1) Each interactive video-disk microcomputer will have
a storage case. Storage cases for all interactive video-
disk microcomputer units should be close to their
C. Equipment/Supplies.
point of use. Each storage case requires about 14 cubic
This space will usually require one or more tables with
feet of storage space.
chairs. Audio-visual equipment and wall-mounted
graphics and media may sometimes be used.
(2) Self-paced instruction rooms and carrels should
accommodate students' personal belongings. Each
D. Space Use.
carrel should have a bookshelf or book rack for study
(1) Size.
The minimum space required is about 20 square feet
I. Furniture.
per person. Rooms should be planned for seminars of
up to 12 persons. A seminar of this size will generate
(1) Carrels containing frequently used or highly
an average participation level of 92 percent; a
specialized equipment or materials may be dedicated.
25-person seminar will average 75 percent.
Otherwise, carrels should be suitable for using a
variety of equipment and devices.
(2) Shape.
The room shape should be slightly rectangular to
(2) Carrels must be designed to meet learning
provide the greatest flexibility of layouts. For a
objectives, training tasks, and equipment requirements.
12-person room, 15 feet by 16 feet is best. (Figure
Computer carrels should be 5 by 2 1/2 feet (minimum
for rectangular); this may vary with the type of
computer equipment used and the need for a writing
E. Access/Circulation.
surface. Reading carrels should be grouped back-to-
Seminar rooms should be near instructor preparation
back or in clusters. Carrels with A-V aids require
rooms. They are also appropriately located near shop
acoustical separation on all four sides.
and laboratory classrooms; they can then be used to
discuss assignments and objectives when there is other
J. Interior Design.
activity in these areas. (Figure 4-34).
The reflectance level of carrel surfaces should be
minimal. Surface reflectance should not exceed 35 to
50 percent.