DG 1110-3-106
instruction. In either case, the carrel may be a 5-foot
b. For general guidance on interior design, see DG
by 2-1/2 foot rectangular position (the minimum suitable
for a unit that includes a microcomputer with
terminal) or an angular type. (Figures 4-29 and 4-30).
K. Criteria.
Table 4 lists outline criteria for designing self-paced
instruction classrooms.
(2) Arrangement.
circulation patterns in the room; they shall not be
4-6 Computer-Aided Instruction Rooms.
located along primary room circulation routes. (Figure
4-25). Audio-visual carrels require an acoustical
A. Use/Activities.
Computer-based instruction rooms allow students to
separation on four sides and should not be double-
loaded on a single aisle. The minimum area needed
master instructional material at their own rate using
per computer station is 23 square feet.
either computer presentation/simulation or computer
presentation and training aids (mockup or other).
Students collect lesson materials from a control station,
(3) Allocation.
sit at an available carrel, and study. Most computer-
There should be enough space for an instructor's desk,
based instruction uses post-test lessons. After
storage units for printed and A-V training material,
completing a lesson with an adequate performance
and circulation. About 200 square feet will be needed
level on the post-test, students return the lesson to the
for instructors and clerks, storage, and circulation
control point and collect their next lesson. Each
around the control station.
student is logged in and out by the classroom staff;
the staff also maintains a progress chart on each
E. Access/Circulation.
student, verifies test performance, and monitors carrel
activities. In some cases, the staff may give specific
(1) Location.
instructions to a group or to one person at a special
Programs of instruction which combine computer-
based and other forms of instruction in a coordinated
manner should be located to best meet training goals.
Computer-based instructional spaces should be near
B. Occupants.
The number and age of user in this type of space can
laboratories, shops, classrooms, or work areas as
vary greatly. The upper limit is the number of carrels
required by course plans. (Figure 4-31).
which can be monitored and managed from a control
point. Some computer-based instructional spaces may
(2) Circulation Within Room.
be designed for only one or two students. Classroom
staff will typically include instructors and clerks,
depending on program requirements. Usually, only one
should not be in or near a room's primary circulation
or two staff members will operate a control point.
routes. Reading carrels can be double-loaded onto an
C. Equipment/Supplies.
Computer-based instruction rooms contain special
b. Instructor's desks and training material storage
carrels equipped with interactive, video-disk
should be placed where they will insure convenient log-
microcomputer units, plato terminals, or
in procedures or student acquisition of materials.
microcomputer alone. The number of carrels in a
Circulation routes from computer carrels to exits
room will vary with student load. Power requirements
should pass the control station; however, there should
and heat generated can be large when many carrels are
be enough space around the control station so that
located together. Special carrels with demonstration,
traffic does not back up into the carrel area.
simulation, mockups, or other training aids may be
needed. The staff area (control station) may include a
F. Utilities.
desk, checkout counter, and storage shelves for lesson
(1) Electrical Wiring.
Electrical services are needed at carrels for
D. Space Utilization.
and routing of electrical lines should allow for
(1) Size.
flexibility. Carrel equipment power demands should be
Computer-based instruction spaces should be sized to
meet training objectives and provide for
each carrel should be coordinated with the equipment
administration, service, storage, security, and custodial
expected to be used there, but typical carrel demands
requirements. Carrels will be used as stations for
require three outlets per carrel.
individual study or with group programs of