F. Utilities.
background noise level of 30 decibels is preferred.
Electrical services are needed at carrels for audio-visual
Carpets and acoustical ceiling material are
equipment and a slide viewer. Location and routing of
recommended to control noise. Walls between rooms
electrical lines should allow for flexibility. Carrel
should have an STC rating of 45. Walls between self-
equipment power demands should be analyzed
paced instructional rooms and corridors should have
carefully. Number of receptacles required at each carrel
an STC rating of 40.
should be coordinated with the equipment expected to
be used there, but typical carrel demands require three
(3) Thermal.
outlets per carrel.
a. Waste heat from A-V and other equipment may
need to be removed. Carrels should be designed to
G. Environmental Conditions.
allow air circulation along the floor. Carrel panels
(1) Lighting.
should be at least 8 inches from the floor.
The general lighting level should be 30 foot-candles.
Lighting levels in carrels should be 50 foot-candles. No
b. Certain types of training programs may require
task lighting is required if carrels do not have shelves
mounted above the work surfaces. If shelves are
instructor station, computer, or other locations. Space
mounted above the work surface, task lighting should
should be provided for cable and power wiring runs.
be incorporated into the carrel design.
H. Storage.
Self-paced instruction rooms and carrels should have
Acoustical control is essential to permit listening at
space for students' personal belongings. Each carrel
should have a bookshelf or book rack for study
within and outside the room should be minimized.
Control of noise from A-V equipment is very
important. Audio-visual carrels require acoustical
I. Furniture.
separation on all four sides. Acoustical panels between
rows of carrels may also be needed. Ambient levels
(1) Carrels containing frequently used or highly
should not exceed 40 decibels; a continuous
specialized equipment or materials may be dedicated.
Figure 4-27
Carrel Layouts.