DG 1110-3-106
distance 1.5 times the screen width, the minimum size
F. Criteria.
for a projector room with an 8-foot-wide screen is
Table 4-14 lists outline criteria for designing projection
about 15 feet deep and 10 feet wide.
E. Access/Circulation.
4-16 Administrative Offices.
(1.) Access to Space.
A. Use/Activities.
The rear-screen projection room should be easily
Service school administrative spaces include the offices
accessible to the instructor. There should be a 3-foot-
of the Commandant, his/her staff, his/her deputies for
wide, solid, opaque door between the projection room
Combat and Training Development and Training and
and the classroom. It is also advisable to have a door
Education, and the administrative elements of resident
which opens into the projection room from an
instructional departments. (For the specific functions of
adjoining hallway.
these organizational elements, see DA PAM 570-558.)
Administrative areas typically require private and semi-
private offices, clerical spaces, conference rooms,
security vaults, and storage areas. These needs may be
satisfied by open space planning or conventional office
B. Occupants.
The number of persons an office space may have to
accommodate will vary with its function.
C. Equipment/Supplies.
Furniture and equipment needs very widely across
organizations. Typical office furniture may meet the
needs of many; however, some organizations may need
drafting tables, work benches, counters, service
windows, or other highly specialized equipment.
D. Space Utilization.
(1) Size.
a. Office space should be based on each occupant's
functional needs. Each office space should provide
between 80 and 400 square feet per person. Each
clerical space should provide between 45 and 90 square
feet per person. DG 1110-3-104 provides detailed
Figure 4-56
guidance for planning administrative and office spaces.
Spaces Near Projection Rooms.
(2) Location.
Whenever possible, the rear-screen projection room
should serve more than one classroom. (Figure 4-56).