DG 1110-3-106
arise, the office space can be rearranged. Only a few
b. Ceiling heights should be appropriate. The ceiling
private offices are provided for personnel whose duties
heights for closed offices should be a minimum of 8
require some isolation from group activities.
feet. Open-plan offices should have ceilings at least 9
feet high.
(3) Conventional Office Planning.
Offices can also be planned as relatively permanent
(2) Open Space Planning.
organizational structures. (Figure 4-58). The floor area,
Offices with much personnel interaction should be
degree of isolation, and location of these offices is
organized with a minimum of spatial structuring.
based on functional relationships among the occupants.
(Figure 4-57). Activities such as concept study groups
The basic assumption in this type of office planning is
can arrange office furniture and low-height partitions
that such relationships can be clearly determined and
to suit a specific project's organizational requirements;
are relatively stable.
when these projects are done and new requirements
Figure 4-57
Open Office Space Planning.
Figure 4-58
Conventional Office Space Planning.