UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
3- Any curb and gutter should be constructed of concrete. Integral curb and
gutter is strongly preferred where drainage is being conveyed along the gutter. Curb-
only sections may be used where drainage is directed away from the curb. Where
substantial lengths of sidewalk are located along the back of the curb, consideration
should be given to using an integral sidewalk/curb section.
Sidewalks and Aprons
3- Sidewalks will be provided from all building entrances to the POV and MEP
areas; sidewalks in the parking areas should be avoided. Sidewalks should also be
provided along natural paths through unpaved areas.
3- Sidewalks and aprons should be constructed of concrete, and should be of
widths to comfortably accommodate anticipated traffic. Sidewalks immediately behind a
curb at a parking area shall accommodate vehicle bumper overhang if wheel stops are
not provided.
3- Sidewalk finishes should be coordinated with architectural and landscape
design for special joint patterns, finishes and colors. The typical sidewalk finish should
be a lightly broomed texture.
3- Special pedestrian or ramp details and finishes should be detailed on the
construction drawings. Pedestrian ramp details utilized by municipalities or Government
installation public works departments may be utilized for consistent appearance or for
ease of construction.
3- Aprons should be sized to allow parking of at least one vehicle; the apron size
will depend upon the typical vehicles for the location. Aprons at loading docks, dumpster
pads and wash bay platforms shall be sized to incorporate the areas in which
concentrated wheel turning movements of heavy vehicles or trucks occur and where
heavy wheel loads repeatedly occur. Aprons outside maintenance shops workbays must
be concrete, and 36 feet (11 meters) long.
Additional Paving Considerations
3- Some recommended sustainable design measures are intended to reduce
heat islands, including use of light-colored materials for impervious surfaces, or open
grid pavement systems. Open grid modular paving units are available on the
commercial market and may be investigated for use, but the availability and cost of
these systems may vary widely based on locale. Practicality and serviceability of this
type of system in snow areas should be carefully considered.
3- Special aggregates, toppings and coatings other than typical maintenance
items (seal coatings, sealers) may be considered, but these may have high initial or
maintenance costs. PCC is light in color, but usually introduces a substantial cost
increase over AC pavement. Alternate pavement design, such as "resin modified
pavement" may be used in special cases if, cost control and quality control parameters