UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
3-5.6.4 Cages for arms vault, tools and parts storage and other storage areas may be
the same \ 8 ft by 12 ft - 2 n (2400 mm by 3650 mm) /2/ module as the basic unit
storage cage, or may be tailored to the Tenants requirements.
3-5.6.5 Security is a key element of the design of cages. The cage frames should be
no more than 1 in (25 mm) from the floor \ and no more than 2 in (50 mm) from walls
or ceilings /2/. \ All bolted cage frame connectors should be peened or tack welded in
place. /2/ Doors should fit tightly in their frames and where they meet. Doors shall be
provided with two padlock hasps; the padlocks should be specified with other door
hardware. Swinging doors padlock hasps shall be provided at third points, sliding door
padlock receivers shall be provided at the midpoint and bottom of door. Doors for vault
cages shall be of the swinging type only. Some Tenants prefer a few cages with Dutch
doors; security personnel may think these require six padlocks. No opening in caging or
a caged area shall exceed 96 sq in (60,000 sq mm); the least dimension shall not
exceed 150 mm (6 in). This includes spaces in the building structure when the caging is
extended to the structure, including web spaces of bar joists.
3-5.6.6 Shelving for the unit storage caged areas is heavy-duty open steel shelving
units with five adjustable shelves. The units are typically 4 ft wide by 2 ft deep by 7 ft tall
(1200 mm wide, 600 mm deep and 2100 mm tall). Shelving for maintenance shop tool
and parts storage cages is the same width and height, but 18 in (450 mm) deep. The
units may be wider than their nominal width, and the Design Agency must ensure that
the typical cages are of sufficient size to accommodate three shelving units end to end.
A minimum of 6 units per typical cage is normally provided, 3 along each side, but
Tenants should be asked for their shelving layout preference.
Figure 3-8
3-5.6.7 Some units require space for
Duffel Bag Cage Layout
duffle bag storage in the unit storage area.
Duffle bag shelving is \ 32 n deep by 48
n long (800 mm deep by 1200 mm long)
with 6 shelves evenly spaces at a minimum
of 14 -1/2" clear between each shelf. The
overall height of the unit will vary among
manufacturers, but should not exceed 8 ft
(2400 mm). The upper height limit insures
the shelving will fit into a 9 ft (2700 mm)
minimum height cage. The bottom shelf
should be 3 in above the floor. A typical 8 ft.
by 12 ft. - 2 n. (2400 mm by 3650 mm)
cage cannot provide a sufficient aisle clearance if shelving units are placed along each
of the long walls. To provide the necessary clearance, combine two of the typical 8 ft by
12 ft - 2 in (2400 mm by 3650 mm) cages side by side to provide a 16 ft by 12 ft - 2 in
(4800 mm by 3650 mm) cage (Small Duffel Bag Caging Layout). If required provide 3
shelving units along each 12 ft - 2 in (3650 mm) side, and 2 shelving units in the middle
of the cage. For more storage area utilize two Small Duffel Bag Caging Layouts end to
end to create a 16 ft by 24 ft. - 4 in (2400 mm by 7300 mm) cage (Large Duffel Bag
Caging Layout). This layout allows for six shelving units along each of the 24 ft. - 4 in