UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
overall height, lumbar support and arm height adjustments which help the Tenant to
more efficiently complete the task and prevent injury.
3- Visitor or guest chairs will be sled-based to easily be pulled up to the desk or
\ Classroom chairs will be stackable for ease of reconfiguring the furniture
within the room as well as for ease of storage. The stacking chairs will have upholstered
seats and backs, and a sled base./1/
3- \ Breakroom chairs will be stackable, sledbase, plastic shell chair./2/
3- Lounge seating will be fully upholstered.
\ Adjustable stools used in conjunction with workbenches in armorers room
and repair rooms will have woven "Crypton" upholstery with a finish that will protect
against grease and oils. Adjustable stools used in conjunction with workbenches in
NOC s will be an ESD (static dissipative) type with arms. Adjustable stools, with or
without arms, will be used in conjunction with lecterns in Learning Centers and
Assembly rooms, and are optional for classrooms and training rooms./1/
Colors: The USAR has approved four basic color schemes for its MDS
system projects: green, blue, rust and cranberry. These color schemes serve as a
guideline and the designer is encouraged to enhance them.
\ Steel shelving and steel cabinets for unit storage areas and maintenance
shops are considered equipment rather than furniture, and are provided as part of the
construction contract under OMAR funding. (See Appendx C for list of OMAR-funded
items.) Shelving for library and facility maintenance areas are typically part of the
furniture package. Workbenches for unit storage areas, maintenance shops and
armorer s rooms are typically part of the furniture package./1/
Furniture design must be closely coordinated with electrical and
communication design; this is especially true for the open office workstations. The
workstations will be furnished and installed by the Government, but the construction
contractor will be responsible for wiring them once they are installed. Close coordination
should reduce the conflict inherent in this situation.
The RRC and Tenants should be asked if they have furniture standards of
their own. In case of conflicts with typical USAR standards, the Using Service will make
a determination.
MDS/USAR Approved Systems and Materials
Reference \ UFC 1-200-01 "General Building Requirements" /2/ for further