UFC 4-214-02
24 July 2003
11-3.2.8 Summary chart comparing features of each proposal.
11-3.2.9 Tradeoff Process Documentation.
11- Identify the proposal differences that surfaced during the evaluations
11- Analyze their impact on the acquisition objectives in light of the relative importance of the
evaluation factors.
11- Compare each proposal to each of the other proposals.
11- Assess the best mix of cost (price) and non-cost benefits and determine whether the strengths
of higher rated proposals are worth the extra costs.
11-3.2.10 Site plan.
11-3.2.11 Typical facility layouts.
11-3.2.12 Typical elevations.
11-3.2.13 Proposed construction materials.
11-3.2.14 Biographies of the evaluators. (This information should be a short, one paragraph narrative of
the evaluators experience and capabilities. The information is provided to give the SSA some idea of the
qualifications of the evaluators.)
11-3.3 Errors and/or Omissions. Should errors and/or omissions in the evaluation process be noted, the
proposals will be referred back to the Contracting Division for appropriate action.
11-3.4 Final Selection. The final selection must be defendable, reasonable, and well documented. FAR
15.305 (reference 11-7) provides guidance on what should be documented in the contract file, including
the following:
11-3.4.1 Introduction. Include information including data about the Source Selection Process, the basis
for award, evaluation factors and sub-factors, summary of the solicitation requirements, the number of
offerors solicited, responded, and maintained within the competitive range.
11-3.4.2 Evaluation Results. Summarize the evaluation results of each offeror's proposal.
A matrix to
display this data is desirable.
11-3.4.3 Comparative Analysis of Proposals. Compare both the cost and non-cost factors of the
proposals, a matrix of the data is acceptable.
Discuss the evaluation factors and subfactors first
individually and then comparatively. Include each proposals major strengths, weaknesses, and risks, as
well as the details and results of the technical tradeoff analysis and justification for payment of a premium,
if applicable.
11-3.4.4 Risk Assessment. Discuss the overall impact of significant risks associated with each proposal
within the competitive range, including production and performance risks and the degree of confidence in
the offeror's price proposal.
11-3.4.5 Summary and Award Recommendations. Summarize the comparative analyses, expressed in
brief statements, and the issues considered significant to the Source Selection Authority's decision.
Include a selection recommendation.
11-3.5 Documentation. Complete and thorough documentation of the evaluation and selection process
is critical when protests are filed, since the General Accounting Office carefully scrutinizes the records