UFC 4-214-02
24 July 2003
a. Section 00110, Proposal Submission requirements identifies all the necessary submittal information to be
included in the Contractor proposals.
Proposals that reach this evaluation stage have passed an initial
Contracting Division review to assure that they are complete and responsive and were selected as a result of
the Phase 1 evaluation process. All proposals that are provided to the evaluation team must be evaluated
and rated.
a. On the following pages individual worksheets are provided for use by the evaluators to review and rate
the individual proposals. During the consensus evaluation, a single "consensus rating" worksheet shall be
completed for each proposal and signed by all the evaluators. It is imperative that all comments and
supporting rational for the rating assigned be included on this consensus sheet. Comments are required to
support all ratings above or below "Average".
a. General. The proposals from the Offerors who reach Phase 2 will be evaluated to determine the quality
of the proposed materials, methods, and procedures proposed. The acceptable Phase 2 ratings are as
EXCELLENT: The offeror greatly exceeds the scope of the solicitation requirements in all aspects of the
particular factor or sub-factor.
The offeror also provides significant advantage(s) and exceeds the
solicitation requirements in performance or capability in an advantageous way and has no apparent or
significant weaknesses or omissions.
ABOVE AVERAGE: The offeror exceeds the scope of the solicitation in most aspects of the particular factor
or sub-factor.
The offeror provides an advantage in key areas or exceeds performance or capability
requirements, but has some areas of improvement remaining.
AVERAGE: The offeror matches the scope of the solicitation in most aspects of the particular factor or sub-
factor. The offeror meets the performance or capability requirements of the element but not in a way
advantageous to the Government. There is room for improvement in this element.
POOR: The offeror does not meet the minimum scope of the solicitation for the particular factor or sub-
The offeror does not include any advantages and does not meet the minimal performance or
capability requirements for this element.
The offeror contains many apparent weaknesses and requires
UNACCEPTABLE: The offeror fails to meet the scope of the solicitation in all aspects of the factor or sub-
factor or has not submitted any information to address this evaluated item. The offeror does not include any
advantages in any areas of the element and does not meet the minimum performance or capability
requirements of this factor or sub-factor. The proposal includes large apparent weaknesses and the
proposal will require extensive modifications to come into compliance with the minimum requirements of the
b. YES - NO Items. Where the specific evaluation sheets indicate a YES NO Rating these items shall be
treated as informational items. They are included in the evaluation worksheets to assure a similar focus
among the evaluators and to ensure that individual evaluators do not overlook proposal information required.
c. GO NO-GO Items. Where specific evaluation items indicate a GO NO-GO Rating, these items shall be
treated as basically a pass-fail item. No partial "GO" is acceptable proposals must be complete and clear
Appendix B Page 2