UFC 4-214-02
24 July 2003
Offeror: ________________________________________
1. General: This factor is the most important factor in the technical analysis of the proposed solution
offered by the Offeror. In some areas the evaluators will be required to use subjective judgment based on
experience and expertise to arrive at a rating adjective. In this most basic area the subfactors are
concerned with the "appeal" of the facility as well as its functionality in space arrangement and work/living
space circulation patterns. This subfactor will also consider the aesthetics of the interior and exterior of the
proposed facilities. The first two subfactors are GO/NO GO items. If either of these items is a "NO GO"
rating, the entire factor (2-1) shall be rated as "UNACCEPTABLE".
2. Each individual subfactor will be rated separately with a combined rating made for all of Factor 2-1 at the
completion of the rating for each subfactor. The relative subfactor importance is as follows:
Subfactor a. GO/NO GO Pass Fail
Subfactor b. GO/NO GO Pass Fail
Subfactor c. This is the most important sub-factor.
3. Subfactor Evaluations. [Design District to edit subfactors as appropriate.]
a. Appropriate Facilities. Has the contractor provided the facilities as required by the Statement of Work?
This subfactor is to be evaluated on the "gross scale" of buildings and types of building provided. The actual
evaluation of the technical quality of those facilities will be done in other factors and subfactors.
/__ / GO
/__ / NO GO
b. Minimum Space and Facility Size. Does the proposal include all the spaces required by the statement of
work and do those spaces comply with the minimum size or dimension requirements of the statement of
work? Insufficient or incomplete information in the proposal for any of the facility types will be scored as a
"NO GO".
/__ / GO
/__ / NO GO
Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facility (TEMF)
Appendix B Page 4