UFC 4-214-02
24 July 2003
Offeror: ________________________________________
1. General: This factor is slightly less important in the technical analysis of the proposed solution proposed
by the Offeror than Factor 2-1. In analyzing the various subfactors the evaluators must rate these items with
respect to material quality, durability, life cycle cost considerations, and on-going maintenance required.
Proposals which exceed the minimum requirements of the solicitation in these areas should be rated above
"AVERAGE". Particular attention should be paid to energy conservation, maintenance considerations, and
Subfactor a, b and c. These are the most important subfactors and are equal in weight.
Subfactor d, e, f, g, h, i, j, & k are equal and each slightly less important than subfactor a.
Subfactor l. This subfactor is a GO NO GO subfactor.
2. Subfactor Evaluations.
a. Building Interior Electrical Systems. This subfactor evaluates the electrical power and lighting systems
within the facility. There are a significant number of methods available to reduce the electrical usage, and
associated costs, of the new facilities. Proposals which comply with the minimum requirements of the
statement of work shall be rated as "AVERAGE". Proposals which include energy saving materials and
methods or propose innovative cost saving materials or designs should receive a higher evaluation. In
addressing the potential energy savings from energy conservation systems the evaluators must also
consider the possible impacts to maintenance and replacement costs for highly specialized or unusual
systems proposed. Consideration of future maintenance and replacement costs must be included in
Other Considerations: 1. Placement of panels, receptacles, etc; capacity for future loads, logic
and simplicity of power feeds and systems, quality of materials proposed
2. Lighting Design Considerations Design methodology, fixture quality
Equipment), Special Equipment Power Requirements
/__ / Excellent
/__ / Above Average /__ / Average
/__ / Poor /__ / Unacceptable
Appendix B Page 8