Project Name
Project No. ___________
UFC 4-214-02, TEMF, 24 July 03
The Army will procure these new facilities through a technical/price competition in accordance with
the provisions set forth in this Request for Proposals (RFP). When a contract is awarded, it will be a
"Firm Fixed Price Contract."
The Congress, in authorizing and funding this contract, has established certain cost limitations for
the project. The current authorization for the complete design and construction of this project is [Dollars].
[This dollar figure is provided by HQUSACE by directive when authority to advertise and Code 7 are
authorized.] Proposals that exceed this funding limit after exercising any options may be rejected.
Submission of desirable alternative features exceeding minimum requirements set forth in the Statement
of Work may be considered as long as award can be made within the established funds.
Any proposal which is materially unbalanced as to prices for the Base Schedule may be rejected. An
unbalanced proposal is one which is based on prices significantly less than the cost for some work and
prices which are significantly overstated for other work and can also exist where only overpricing or
underpricing exists. A proposal may be rejected if the Contracting Officer determines that the lack of
balance poses an unacceptable risk to the Government.
Failure to insert prices for each item in the Base Schedule and each item in any Option Schedules
may cause the proposal to be rejected.
The offeror agrees if he or she is awarded a contract under this RFP, which includes any option
items, that the Government reserves the right to reinstate any option item(s) into the contract at any time
up to 120 calendar days after notice to proceed, provided that such reinstatement would not alter the
original determination of the successful offeror. If an option item is reinstated in the contract, it is also
agreed that the reinstated price will be the same as the schedule price.
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