Project Name
Project No. ___________
UFC 4-214-02, TEMF, 24 July 03
materials and subcontracts. It does not include design costs, home or branch office overhead costs or
prime contractor markups for bond, profit, etc."
Shown below is a suggested standard form to include in section 00110, "Proposal Submission
Requirements." Use this information to evaluate proposed self-performed work.
For all Contracts, except 8(a)
Use a format similar to the following to identify and calculate cost of the work to be self-performed. Refer
to the definitions pertaining to "Self-performance of work", "On the site" and "Total amount of work to be
performed under the contract". Include this information in the envelope for Pro Forma Requirements) if
undetermined until the specified deadline for proposal submission. Otherwise include it in the
Performance Capability information:
A. Clearly describe the work to be self-performed:
B. Show Calculation of Self-Performed Work:
B.1 Total Bid Price:
B.2 Subtract Design Cost:
B.3 Subtract G&A, home office overhead, prime contractor's
markups for profit, bond, state use tax, etc.
B.4 Remainder is "Total amount of work to be performed
under the Contract"
B.5 "Work to be self-performed":
(Includes mobilization and utilization of owned or rented plant
and equipment to be operated by the prime contractor's own
employees; only those materials which will be both purchased
and installed by the prime's own forces; labor associated with
those aforementioned materials or equipment; only those
supplies to directly support work performed by the contractor's
own employees; and the contractor's own job overhead costs.)
B.6 % Self-performed Work = Line B.5/ Line B.4 X 100% =
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