TM 5-814-9
Discharge system. If a recycle treatment system is
c. Water supply basin. After secondary treatment in a
not economically or technically feasible and/or
recycle system, the water is discharged to a water supply basin
operationally practical, and if wash water supply is
for reuse in the CVWF. In a system without recycling, the water
available, wastewater from the CVWF may be
supply basin is optional. If a reliable, consistent source of water
discharged to a sanitary sewer system or some other
is not available, a water supply basin may have to be
conveyance for further treatment elsewhere. Pri-
constructed in a size large enough to hold the wash water
mary treatment is the minimum level of treatment
volume required. This basin can be filled from the water source
required to ensure that the wastewater discharged
at a slower rate during nonpeak hours for the high demand
into a system is of a quality acceptable to the
required during the washing operations. The design must
receiving authority. Quality, however, may not be
protect the water source through the use of air breaks or
the only criterion. The rate of discharge may also be
equipment to prevent backflow and back siphonage. In
addition, makeup water that enters the water supply should be
basin prior to the point of release to the discharge
system. The discharge-type treatment system is
discussed in detail in chapter 6.