TM 5-814-9
A classification of the soils expected to be on
clean. The clays are given a type number of
the vehicles is needed. By taking the particle
5, being the most likely to soil a vehicle and
size curve previously discussed and plotting
being the hardest to clean. Where a particular
the percentage of sand, silt, and clay
analysis may plot on the chart close to the line
(dispersed) on a triangular classification chart
as shown on figure 3-3, a combined
applied (i.e. a soil could be given a type
classification can be made. As an indicator of
number of 2.5). Where different soils occur in
soiling potential expected on the vehicles, the
the training ranges, an average of those found
chart is divided into 5 categories or soil type
may be used. The designer should use
numbers (St) The sands and silty sands are
judgment when making this determination and
given a type number of 1, being the least
give due consideration to the extreme adverse
likely to soil a vehicle and being the easiest to
affects caused by high clay content soils.