General. This section provides instructions for the
incorporation of energy and water conservation into medical facility designs.
Subject to medical functional requirements and project funding limitations,
conservation features shall be incorporated when demonstrably cost effective
in accordance with this section. This section is applicable to new
facilities, and to those portions of existing buildings undergoing upgrade or
alteration. This criteria is in accordance with the following directives:
Title 10 CFR, Subpart A, Part 435, "Energy Conservation Voluntary Performance
Standards for New Commercial and Multi-Family High Rise Residential
Buildings, Mandatory for Federal Buildings (reference 7a), the Federal Energy
Management Improvement Act of 1988 (reference 7b), The Energy Policy Act of
1992 (reference 7c), and Executive Order 12902 (reference 7d).
Alteration/Addition Projects. For alteration or
projects, these criteria shall not be applied to portions of
the building or
systems not affected by the work. It would not be expected,
for example,
that in an addition project, wherein the existing facility's
chilled water
network is extended to provide cooling for the addition, the
project need
consider energy upgrade to the overall chilled water system.
Medical Function. Energy and water conservation features shall
not restrict or interfere with medical functional requirements, cause a
reduction in or dependability of required services, or result in inability to
achieve environmental conditions required by this manual.
Proven Technologies. The technologies utilized in the design
shall be proven in similar applications in the industry, and must be readily
available and competitively procurable.
Utility Incentive Programs. Military Departments are
authorized to participate in utility incentive programs (references 7c, 7d,
and 7e). These programs are typically associated with load management,
involving efficiency maximization and demand control. Medical facility
designers shall investigate the availability and applicability of any such
programs offered by the serving utilities, for consideration of their
incorporation into the design.
Energy and Water Conservation Program. The Office of the Deputy
Under Secretary of Defense for Environmental Security (DUSD-ES) is
responsible for administering the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP)
and the Energy Conservation Investment Program (ECIP). These programs are
designed to improve the energy efficiency of new or existing DOD facilities
within MILCON project guidelines. The DUSD-ES will give the highest funding
priority to projects and programs that provide the greatest cost-effective
energy or water use reduction and savings-to-investment ratios. Military
Departments should develop valid ECIP or FEMP projects in accordance with
reference 7f with an accompanying DD Form 1391 justifying the proposed
project and submit to OASD-HA DMFO for inclusion into their submission to
Economic Study. Designs shall consider all potential energy
conserving features, equipment, systems or strategies as may be applicable to