the particular project. Those which are considered to have the greatest
potential for cost effective application, based upon the experience and
professional judgement of the designer and Design Agent, shall be the subject
of more detailed economic analysis. These analyses shall be utilized in the
selection of project systems and equipment. More detailed discussion of
system economic analysis requirements is contained elsewhere in this section.
Metering. Utility services, including electricity, gas, steam,
heating water, and chilled water, shall be metered. The meter shall have the
capability of digital communications with a central post-wide (or hospital
campus) Monitoring and Control System.
Design Considerations.
Passive Solar Energy. The use of passive solar energy
conservation techniques shall be considered. Earth sheltering and berming
shall be used if cost effective and if in keeping with overall site and
architectural considerations. Building orientation and shading shall be
arranged, when practicable, to minimize solar cooling load and maximize
winter daylighting.
Interior Design Conditions. The required interior design
conditions are listed in Appendix A of this manual. For those applications or
requirements not specifically addressed in Appendix A, consult ASHRAE
publications or equivalent sources.
Equipment Operating Efficiencies. The minimum operating
efficiencies for energy consuming equipment shall be in accordance with the
10 CFR 435 (reference 7a) and the applicable military departmental guide
specifications. Incorporate the highest equipment efficiencies determined to
be competitively available and life-cycle cost effective for the individual
Thermal Transmission Values. The maximum thermal transmission
values utilized in the design shall be in accordance with Table 7-1. The
insulation values may be altered when determined to be cost effective,
utilizing life-cycle cost analysis, for the given climatic conditions and
building operational characteristics.
Energy Source Selection. The energy source for the heating and
cooling systems, service water heating, and process loads shall be selected
in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Defense Energy Program
Policy Memorandum titled "Defense Facilities Energy Selection" (DEPPM 88-1)
(reference 7g). In essence, this criteria requires that the energy source
shall be the most life-cycle cost effective, determined by analysis of the
available and reliable alternatives. The use of nonconventional or
alternative energy sources is encouraged if proven reliable and demonstrably
cost effective. Energy or fuel supply contracts with third party financing
are also encouraged and shall be considered prior to authorizing a new
heating or power plant. Refer to DEPPM 88-2 (reference 7h) titled "Private-
Sector Financed Defense Energy Contracts" for privately financed Defense
energy contract guidelines.
Total Energy System. Total energy systems shall be considered
for major facilities as directed by the Design Agent.